Jul 30, 2021
Inspired by a listener’s costume design project, this episode explores the possibilities – and problems – of dressing up with paper. As Lucy struggles with her own creativity (paper patterns are harder than they look!), Ben charts the colourful, stretchy history of crêpe and looks at artists and designers who...
Jul 16, 2021
In this episode, the stars of the show are the bits of the human body - from heads down to toes – that tend to get neglected in our daily clothing, but which take on new prominence and meaning when dressed creatively and fantastically in costume. Think diamond studded stag’s head and curled shoes, and you get the...
Jul 2, 2021
Never slow to come forward, and certainly not shy, Lucy and Ben throw their costumes to the wind this week and talk Playboy. A brand very familiar with dressing up and stripping off. Questioning how far the brand has been a force for emancipation or entrapment, they chat with ad man Jason Berry, sharing a...